We Give Our Community More
At SilverSummit, we understand that it is incumbent upon us to support our community through financial investments in organizations that serve our Members. The SilverSummit Community Investment Program does just that.
For technical assistance or questions regarding the Community Investment Program, contact: CommunitySolutions@SilverSummitHealthplan.com.
Award Range: Up to $100,000
The 2024 application process has officially closed. Stay tuned for updates on the next application cycle, opening in Spring 2025.- TBA — Application Informational Sessions
- TBA — Application Process Opens
- TBA — Applications Due by 5:00 PM
- TBA — Awardee Notifications. Successful applicants will be notified via email and posted on our website.
- TBA — Program Operation
- TBA — Program Outcome Reports Due
2024 Community Investment Program Information Sessions
(Clark and Washoe County)
SilverSummit Healthplan will host two webinars to provide additional insight about the grant process, and to provide attendees with the opportunity to ask questions before the 2024 application period opens.
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Password: 781519
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must legally operate a Nevada based 501(C)(3) organization, or be an educational institution, municipality, or a Nevada Medicaid provider. The SilverSummit Community Investment Program funding can serve Nevadans in all counties; priority will be given to organizations serving Clark and Washoe Counties. SilverSummit investments should primarily serve SilverSummit Members but can benefit the broader population while doing so (plainly put, the program funding can serve non-SilverSummit members, too).
SilverSummit Healthplan will not consider Investments for:
● Individuals
● Non-Nevada Medicaid Provider For-Profit Organizations, including start-ups
● Political action committees, candidates, causes or lobbying
● Labor, alumni, or fraternal groups
● Medicaid providers currently under SIU investigation
● Funding programs/services outside of Nevada
Investment Priorities
● Low barrier shelter
● Sober living housing
● Permanent supportive housing
● Transitional/medical respite housing
● Rental assistance
● Workforce Training
● Life Skills Development
● Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment
● Improve maternal and child health outcomes for Black women and babies
● Decrease low-birth weight newborns among Black and Hispanic babies
● Increase services directly targeting pregnant women with Substance Use Disorder
● Increasing diversified DOULA and Midwifery workforce
● Job readiness and placement services
● Workforce training
● Financial literacy
● Life skills training
● Fellowships and Residency programs
● Expanding provider capacity, including recruitment of new providers and building capacity to expand provider reach
● Project ECHO
Proposal Evaluation
SilverSummit has established a Community Investment Program Selection Committee comprised of SilverSummit staff, community members, and SilverSummit Medicaid Members.
The Selection Committee consistently scores each proposal based on the following criteria:
1. Applicant is eligible to apply.
2. Applicant answers each question with clear, simple and plain language.
3. All technical requirements have been met.
4. Cultural Competency
● Program approach meets culturally competent standards
● Program materials and services provided in the language of the individuals who will be served
● Applicant provides DEI/Cultural Competency Training to its staff
5. Evidence-Based
● Program is evidenced-based and maintains fidelity to that standard
6. Outcomes-Oriented
● Applicant clearly demonstrates ability to collect metrics and measure outcomes
● Applicant demonstrated previous outcomes achieved
7. Addresses Health Disparities
● Program has a proven approach to reduce or eliminate specific health disparities, if applicable
8. Engages SilverSummit Members
● Applicant demonstrates an understanding of SilverSummit Membership and clearly articulates a plan to engage SilverSummit Members
Proposal Technical Requirements
Organizations must submit one digital PDF proposal to communitysolutions@silversummithealthplan.com
Proposals should provide a straightforward, concise delineation of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the SilverSummit Community Investment Program. Expensive color displays, promotional materials, etc., are not necessary or desired.
Technical Requirements:
● Proposal should not exceed 10 pages, excluding the Budget Template. Charts, tables, and graphics are not included in page count.
- One-inch margins
- 12-point Calibri font (smaller font is permissible for charts, tables, and graphics)
- Single line spacing within a paragraph and one blank line between paragraphs
- A header and/or footer on every page with Applicant name and page number
● The first page of the proposal should be the Application Face Sheet (PDF)
For assistance in completing the Proposal, please reach out to the Community Solutions team.
Proposal Content Requirements
Pro-Tip: Answer ALL the questions, in the order presented. Prior to developing your response, carefully review the evaluation criteria above and address these areas in your responses.
Page Limit: 1 page
Points: Pass/Fail (0 points allocated)
Briefly describe your organization, including the type of organization, mission/purpose, geographic area(s) served, types of programs provided and target population served.
Page Limit: 1 page
Points: Pass/Fail (0 points allocated)
Briefly describe the community needs your organization or project will address, including any research and data to support the need.
Page Limit: 4 pages
Points: 40/100 points allocated
Provide a detailed description of the program, including but not limited to:
● Target audience
● Geographic area(s) to be served
● Program description
● Number of anticipated clients/recipients, including the number of SilverSummit Members
● How the program will meet the cultural and diverse needs of all its participants
● How the program addresses a specific health disparity, if applicable
● Program timeline
● Citations of evidence-based practices that the program follows, including:
- How the organization intends to maintain fidelity to achieve intended results
- A brief description of curriculum that may be used, if applicable
- A description of training that the staff may receive
Page limit: 1 page
Points: 25/100 points allocated
Describe how the organization will engage with SilverSummit Members, including:
● How many SilverSummit Members do you anticipate serving?
● How will you identify that SilverSummit Members are being served?
● How will you promote the program to ensure SilverSummit Members are served?
Page Limit: 2 pages
Points: 25/100 points allocated
Note: Awardees are required to submit a final report, due January 31, 2026. Reporting for SilverSummit Members (name, and unique identifier) will be required as part of the final report.
Use the following guidelines as a template to complete this section. This section should rely heavily on numbers and limit the narrative to specifically answering the questions below.
See below for an example of a goal and specific expected outcomes.
1. Program’s goal statement.
2. Program objective(s): Identify the objectives(s) that the program is expected to achieve.
3. Define the metric(s) that will be collected.
4. Define how the metrics will be collected and at what cadence.
5. Previous outcomes (if applicable):
- Provide previous outcomes that this program has achieved.
- Include the timeframe associated with these outcomes. If available, provide year-over-year improvements the program has achieved, and provide information on changes made to improve.
6. Identify the information that will be included in the final report, due by January 31, 2026.
Goal: To remove the barrier of financial stress and increase clients' successful completion of treatment and subsequent integration into the community with sustained recovery, employment, supportive resources, and housing.
Outcomes and Metrics:
- 40 women will complete residential treatment at NV Community Partner and move on to transitional housing. Of the 40 women who complete the program 12 will be SSHP Members.
- Metrics: NV Community Partner's electronic client database system. This information can be accessed for snapshot data or data within a specific rage, and enrollment data will be tracked quarterly.
- 40 women will access a maximum of 19 hours of substance use disorder therapy per week. Of the 40 women, 12 will be SSHP will be SilverSummit Members.
- Metrics: Group attendance is tracked in the database. While CIP data will be tracked quarterly, NV Community Partner's clinical team tracks group (and individual) attendance weekly. NV Community Partner will track CIP data quarterly.
- 90% of the 40 women served and who moved to transitional housing will complete treatment successfully.
- Metrics: This data will be accessed in database on case management notes, presented at weekly staffing meetings and tracked for CIP quarterly.
Page Limit: 1 page narrative, plus the Budget Template
Points: 10/100 points allocated
SilverSummit recognizes the funding challenges that non-profits and other organizations are currently experiencing given changes in the funding landscape. As a result, we will be funding indirect costs at 15% of the total budget. Please do not include additional indirect costs in your budget. For example, do not include the CFO’s salary in your budget, unless the CFO is actively engaging with the program’s participants.
- Complete the Budget Template.
- Explain how the program will be sustained without future funding from SilverSummit.
- Describe and justify all line items in the completed Budget Template.
- Do not request funding in excess of the stated funding range. Requests in excess of the stated funding range will not be considered.
- Do not exceed the 15% allotment for indirect costs.
Application Attachments: Are additional attachments required beyond the details listed on the web site – Application Face Sheet, the narrative responses listed, and the budget template? No, there aren’t additional attachments required. Our goal is to streamline the process so that the Selection Committee can conduct a complete analysis based on the requested application requirements. Submitting attachments that cause the application to fall outside of the requested page number count can cause the application to fail the technical requirements review.
Engaging SilverSummit’s Members: Can you clarify this section in the application? Based on your organization’s services/programs, please indicate the number of SilverSummit Healthplan Members you plan to serve by providing the services that you outline in your proposal. In addition, indicate the methods that you use to identify SilverSummit’s Members that you currently serve, or that you plan to serve. SilverSummit is interested in innovative ways that your organization may suggest as a means of identifying and serving Members.
Budget Template’s “Other Funding Sources”: Are other funding sources required? No, additional funding sources are not required, however the Committee is interested in additional resources that will be allocated to the initiative beyond the funds being requested. The committee is interested in the long-term sustainability of the proposed programming.
Budget: If awarded, can the organization use funding differently than what was outlined in the proposal? The funds should be spent based on what is indicated in the proposal, unless approval is given. Awardees will be required to submit bi-annual reports to provide metrics, outcomes, and updates.
Payments: Are payments paid through reimbursement? No, a lump-sum payment is provided once the awards have been made. SilverSummit works diligently to provide payments by December of the funding year.
Reporting: Are grantees required to submit reports if funding is awarded? Yes, failure to submit reports by the required deadlines can impact future funding.